8 At-Home Ab Workouts to Target Every Area of Your Core

My quest to find great Instagram and Youtube workouts for us continues. Please proceed for my core edition.

There are so many health benefits to building a strong core. What immediately comes to mind for me (since my family has a history of lower back/hip issues) is that having a strong core is crucial to achieving healthy posture, which leads to a strong and supported spine. A strong core also improves balance and stamina, which benefits everything from getting out of bed in the morning to a high intensity workout.

I know the crowd is divided on this one, but I’d trade an ab workout for a weight training routine any day. My sister can vouch for me: tears were shed during my first Liftonic class. The dumbbell shoulder presses wouldn’t stop. Anyway, I mostly don’t mind ab workouts because a 10-minute routine is really all you need. We can do anything for 10 minutes, gang! Planks and crunches are definitely not for everyone, so I tried to lessen the work by compiling some of my favorite Instagram and Youtube ab workouts. That way, when you’re actually in the mood to work on those babies, you don’t need to comb through 5 billion Youtube tutorials led by some awkward dude with no music. (Seriously, why is that a thing?) I broke the videos up into several abdominal focus areas of your pleasing.

Now, I think we have all come to the unfortunate realization that doing 300 crunches per day is not going to give us flat tummies, but doing challenging ab work—coupled with HIIT or weight training—will certainly leave you feeling and looking stronger.

Lower Abs - Where art thou?

Damn, fam. I really started with a bang here. This PopSugar Fitness routine is only 10 minutes long, but it is non-stop—seriously no breaks. TBH, that’s how you get that real burn. Although the instructor uses a pilates ball for a few of his exercises, everything can be done without it, and the workout is just as intense. Honestly, this could be your only sweat for the day—that’s how hard it is!

More gold from our fitness kwain @DanniBelle! Danni has multiple “Lower Abs” routines. I chose this one because I think it’s great for when you’re at home… which we all are… For this type of Instagram workout, I like to couple two exercises together, complete that circuit for 3 rounds (30 seconds on + 10 seconds off), and then move onto the next 2 exercises and repeat.

Obliques - Smell Ya, Love Handles

OOOF. This one’s a killer. Most exercises where you shift from the left to the right side of your body will target those cute love handles (that we all have!) and focus on tightening your waist. These workouts by @Madfit.ig are tough, but modifications can always be made. For example, feel free to trade in her complicated leg-twisty Russian Twists with your OG Russian Twists.

OOPS, SHE DID IT AGAIN! I love this workout from @DanniBelle because it targets those hard-to-reach side abs and is also super dynamic, so it burns fat and gets that heart rate way up.

Total Abs - Beach Szn Is Coming

I love this routine by @BaileyBrown because it’s only 5 minutes long, which means you can fit it in even on your busiest days. This routine may be short, but like the PopSugar Fitness routine up top, there are virtually zero breaks. Get dat burrrn.

This is my go-to ab workout to tack onto a HIIT circuit or Tabata routine. I love this gem by @KrissyCela because it calls for no equipment at all, but it will leave you sore for days (literally) and feeling stronger in every area of your core. Seriously, those Leg Raise Twists are no joke!

Mat Pilates - Pulse City

Having a strong core is crucial to most pilates exercises, reformer routines included. This BodyFit by Amy core-focused mat pilates routine is a full 30 minutes and will get you sweatin’ and pulsin’ up a storm. This routine is great for someone new to (and intrigued by) pilates, because it goes through all of the classic mat pilates moves.

This is an informative lil’ 20-minute abdominals and core stability mat pilates routine. The instructor’s lovely Australian accent will completely distract you from the fact that your core is screaming, and it will be over before you know it!


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