BB Book Club: Leah’s July Picks

Reading is my #BrainBreak. In grade school, I always looked forward to going to the library and picking out two books. One I finished on the way home from the library, and the other I finished that night. Around my senior year of high school, I reached a point where I was too busy with school and work and felt like I didn’t have time to read for pleasure. My love of reading kicked back in when my sweet boyfriend surprised me with a Kindle Paperwhite. Now, you can’t get me to stop reading. Luckily, I have plenty of downtime to read on the subway, living in New York City. My Kindle has become an everyday staple in my purse, along with my birthday cake Glossier Balm Dotcom and my emergency tweezers.

My Kindle also rekindled (ha!) my love of the library. There are a few libraries that have partnerships with eBook apps that connect to your kindle. I use my free membership at the Brooklyn Public Library to read 90% of my books. 

My book club picks follow my personal order and journey. My reading preferences include a lot of fiction, with some autobiographies of people I admire sprinkled in. I’ll read anything anyone recommends and, for the most part, I recommend every book I read. Even if it doesn’t make it to my list of favorites, I love reading the perspectives and stories created by a range of authors.

I Might Regret This by Abbi Jacobson

Who doesn’t love the Broad City ladies? Ironically, after devouring a couple chapters of this book, the first book I downloaded from the library, I decided I needed to own it. I bought a used copy from Thrifty Books, which is a website where you can purchase used books and rack up points for their awesome rewards program. Through various personal essays, Abbi brings us along on her breakup road trip from New York City to Los Angeles. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to go on an extensive road trip, anyone who went through a major breakup, and (of course) anyone who loves Abbi’s work on Broad City. You know when you’re slamming 75 down the highway, screaming along to Adele with your heart bleeding, feeling like you can relate to what she’s going through? Same vibe, but you’re cuddled up with Abbi’s book and a piping mug of chamomile tea. 

Before the Devil Breaks You and The King of Crows by Libba Bray

Through the Brooklyn Public Library, I found the third and fourth (and final) books to a creepy, paranormal young adult fiction series, The Diviners, that I loved in high school. Libba Bray is an incredible writer, not only because she glamorizes New York City in the 1920s, but also because she writes the books from every character’s perspective—and there are upwards of fifteen major characters. I know that might sound daunting and confusing to dive into, but her last book was 1,000 pages and I finished it in four days. Once you join her world, you won’t want to stop until you know how everything ends.


  • Make the time to read!

  • Plan that road trip you’ve always wanted to go on!!

  • Get a library membership!!!


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