On Taking Risks During Coronavirus

Hey guys. I can’t believe I’m finally here.

2020 really blows. Things are weird, frightening, uncertain, oppressive, and sad. Paradigms are shifting and our daily lives have been turned inside out—or should I say outside in. I spend far too much time every day wondering how much change will result from this global pandemic. And the only thought I can totally wrap my head around is that I hope more good change comes than bad.

I’m fully aware the status of my future is just one of those swirling rainbow balls of death, but that hasn’t yet changed who I am: a woman who loves control. Some need a glass of red, others need 8 hours of sleep—I just need any amount of control I can get. As the friend who makes all the reservations, packs for trips weeks in advance, and lays work outfits on her dinner table to prep the night before, I decided to finally buckle up and take control of something I always wanted to do, but never had the courage. At the most monotonous time of my 25 years, going somewhere scary is helping me feel alive again. That’s why I decided to create Brain Break.

I’ve always loved writing: to-do lists, letters, birthday cards, relationship advice texts. But I’ve also always been extremely self-conscious to display my own writing; I didn’t think it was good enough, or that people wanted to hear my opinion. And you know what? I may not be creating the next Goop, but I really don’t care anymore. If this pandemic taught me anything, it’s that there is never a right time to take a risk and choose something that makes you happy. Circumstances can change at any moment and right now, even though part of me wants to hide under the covers until this mess is over, I feel a responsibility to use my voice and lift our spirits up.

I want to make Brain Break a place my friends can trust when they want to switch gears, feel safe, learn something, try something new—something fun, enjoyable, and thought-provoking.

With that, I hope you enjoy the ride. I may fall down a few times, but bear with me.



Quarantine Body Challenge