BB Book Club: Leah’s September Picks

Hello everyone! This intro’s going to be short and s w e e t. This is a very pivotal time for America concerning many deeply embedded and systemic issues. There’s still a lot for me to learn, but I’m trying to educate myself and LISTEN to the people who are continuously victimized, disrespected, and ignored. I want to become a more active ally to BIPOC and the LGBTQ+ communities. One of the books I’ve included this month is by a non-binary fairy-parent (self-proclaimed, Queer Eye - Season 5, Episode 4), and the other series by a controversial writer within the trans community. Please always read for your pleasure, but also read to educate yourself. 

Over the Top By Jonathan Van Ness

Who doesn’t love the Fab Five?! I love that you can hear Jonathan’s voice while you read their book. After reading OTT, I couldn’t believe how much strength is behind that gorg head of hair and their ability to make anyone feel loved. JVN is a great example of “never judge a book by its cover,” because you could never assume what this cutie has been through. Please read and fall in love with JVN even more. 

The Harry Potter Series By JK Rowling 

Let me premise this rec: I know, and completely agree, that JK Rowling is canceled after making extremely disrespectful, offensive, and untrue comments about trans women, which could easily muddle the love of her writing for so many allies. I encourage everyone to read more on this issue and why what J.K. Rowling said is so hurtful. GLAAD, the LGBTQ+ organization dedicated to promoting and ensuring fair, accurate, and inclusive representation of individuals and events in all media as a means of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, has an extensive response I found helpful. I also invite you to read what sweet Daniel Radcliffe’s had to say in hopes that you will find the series less tainted. 

Sometimes, between reading new books, I like to reread the Harry Potter series. It’s an easy way to feel comfort and nostalgia. I highly recommend finding a book or series to buffer in between heavy books, because rereading something you love can snap you back into the reading groove. I love these books as much as I love the movies – although I do admit, the books are better because they include more detail (Hello, house elves are all over Hogwarts!!). I’m down to discuss HP any time, any day. And let me just leave this here: I hate Snape. 



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