The 5 Steps of Skincare

Ah, the skin… Something most of us have struggled with at some point in our lives. I have been dealing with acne and skin textural issues for over a decade. That’s TEN YEARS that my skin has dampened my confidence. After testing out a million different products, I finally mastered a regimen that works and has me feeling sexy and free (now I get it, Katy Perry)! Before I enlighten you, I would like to point out the obvious - everyone’s skin is different. Mine leans on the side of oily and textured. The most important part of finding the right skincare routine is building one tailored to your personal concerns. But, the five essential steps below are the overall outline for every queen’s skincare routine.


For my daily cleanser, I like using the Clean & Clear Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub. This contains beads that gently scrub off all the nasties lying on your skin, improving the texture. I also LOVE the cooling sensation it gives; it’s a relaxing spa moment to start my day. Another one of my favorite cleansers is the Youth to the People Superfood Cleanser. Personally, I only like to use a pea size amount because a little goes a long way. It gets rid of any built-up oil and dirt on the surface and has my face feeling fresh and clean. This can also be used as a daily cleanser, but I like to use it once or twice a week before I apply a mask. 


If you’re going to take anything away from this post, the one thing I would say you HAVE to try is steaming your face. Steaming alone, as a part of your skincare routine, has so many crucial benefits: 

  • Opens up the pores

  • Loosens up blackheads, whiteheads, excess dead skin cells for easy removal

  • Sweats the skin, pushing out dirt from the pores to the surface

  • Hydrates the skin for more plump and younger looking skin

  • Improves the absorption of any product used after steaming

I like to steam my face before I apply a mask to get the best use out of it. However, many people have experienced benefits from daily steaming, including allergy relief. Steam loosens up congestion and mucus when inhaled. A steam a day keeps the sneezies away!

Now you might be thinking how on earth do I steam my face?! There are several facial steamers for around $10-$30. I found mine on Amazon. If you prefer a life hack, you can also make a DIY steamer at home. (First, you would put boiling hot water into a large bowl. Next, lean your face over the steam, about 8 inches away from the water. Then drape a towel over your head, creating a tent with the bowl, which will help trap the steam.) Bonus: add essential oils to the water for a calming effect.


I am obsessed with masks. I apply one about once or twice per week. Each different type of mask has its own benefits, so I like to switch them up depending on how my skin is feeling that day.

  • Clay Masks: Detoxify and suck out all the gunk found in clogged pores. I like to use these on days when my skin is looking really oily, and I have a lot black heads or enlarged pores.

  • Peel Off Masks: Remove dead skin cells off the outermost layer of the skin. I like to use these when I want to improve the glow, texture, and hyperpigmentation of my skin. Peel off masks always leave my skin feeling soft as a baby!

  • AHA/BHA Masks: Use acid (usually salicylic acid or glycolic acid) to exfoliate the skin to prevent acne, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. I use these on days when I’m breaking out a lot or have visible dark spots.

  • Hydration Masks: Hydrate for more plump and younger looking skin. Even though I have oily skin, sometimes I get really dry around my nose, so I like to use these to prevent my skin from flaking, or just when I’m looking for a glow. 



Personally, toner is not something I would say every face needs. However, being the lazy gal I am, I tend not to be consistent with my skincare routine at times. I like to put toner on a cotton pad and wipe my face, as just a quick and easy way to clean my skin. I won’t lie, it’s really satisfying seeing all the dirt on the cotton pad after I wipe my face. The toner I like to use is from – dramatic pause – WALMART for less than $3!! Equate Beauty Deep Cleaning Astringent contains salicylic acid, which helps prevent and minimize acne. It is important to note (bold, underline AND italicize) that because it contains salicylic acid, it should never be used in combination with an AHA/BHA mask. Overuse of acids can be rough and burn the skin.


Last, and certainly not least, moisturize your skin! Your skin is THIRSTY, and moisturizers hydrate you. Moisturizers also prevent excessive dryness or oiliness. I recommend using a moisturizer with SPF to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. If you have issues with hyperpigmentation, SPF can also control melanin production, which will lessen the appearance of dark spots. My personal favorite to use is Origins GinZing™ Oil-Free Energy Boosting Gel Moisturizer. The citrusy smell of this moisturizer is AMAZING!

Let’s be honest, I still fall asleep with a full face of makeup on sometimes. And every time I do, my skin loves to reward me with brand new blemishes. YAY! But you know what, nobody’s perfect! You live and you learn it! I’ll just slap on a mask and let my skin do it’s thang. At the end of the day, we are all beauty queens and perfect skin just does not exist! 

DISCLAIMER: I am not an esthetician. This is information I have collected throughout my skincare journey and I hope it may benefit you throughout yours! Happy skin, happy life!


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